Baltimore Theatre Demographics by Brent Englar

A substantial majority of the dramatists receiving productions in Baltimore and directors working in Baltimore were white men.

RESEARCH PROJECT: Baltimore Theatre Demographics: 2014-2019

RESEARCH PARTNERS: Brent Englar with assistance from Katie Ganem on the first report.

COVERAGE: 2014-2019

For the five theatre seasons from 2014 to 2019, I analyzed the demographics of productions that received at least five performances in Baltimore. I focused on the gender and race/ethnicity of dramatists and directors, as well as whether each individual lived in Baltimore; I also noted the percentage of productions that were world premieres.

FINDINGS: Every season that I analyzed, a substantial majority of the dramatists receiving productions in Baltimore and directors working in Baltimore were white men. The final season that I analyzed (2018-2019) had the greatest percentage of female and non-binary dramatists (36%) and non-white dramatists (24.5). Directors followed similar trends.


AUDIT MKE: Playwrights Produced in Milwaukee Theatre 2000-2020


Bay Area Theater Accountability Workgroup