Historical Perspectives by Derek Miller

While women’s representation on Broadway has improved recently in some areas, other areas remain as inequitable as they have been historically.

RESEARCH PROJECT: Historical Perspectives


COVERAGE: 1920-Present

This site provides some historical information about representation on- and off-stage. The research here draws on work in progress under the umbrella of a larger data-driven history, Visualizing Broadway. It will be updated as new research develops.

FINDINGS: While women's representation on Broadway has improved recently in some areas, other areas remain as inequitable as they have been historically.

Set design is the least female-friendly role among the three long-standing physical design roles. Only in the most recent years have more than 25% of designers identified as female.

Female lighting designers have fared better than set designers, with sustained periods matching set design's peak.

Costume design represents the one lead design role with significant, sustained female leadership.

The chart on Directors looks as inequitable as that for set design.


Gwydion Suilebhan, Olivia Haller, and theatreWashington


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