Gender, All Emmanuel Wilson Gender, All Emmanuel Wilson

Historical Perspectives by Derek Miller

This site provides some historical information about representation on- and off-stage. The research here draws on work in progress under the umbrella of a larger data-driven history, Visualizing Broadway. It will be updated as new research develops.

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Race/Ethnicity, All Emmanuel Wilson Race/Ethnicity, All Emmanuel Wilson

Theatre Makers of Color Requirements

In the midst of the uprising brought about by the death of George Floyd, playwright Keelay Gipson and Stacey Rose felt compelled to cease the momentum of the time to escalate substantive change within the American Theatre. They felt that work began with gaining an understanding of how Theatre Makers of Color felt they exist in the industry vs. how they actually exist. In an effort to seek this understanding, they created the Theatre Makers of Color Requirement Survey.

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Gender, All Emmanuel Wilson Gender, All Emmanuel Wilson

Women Count

The Women Count report series collects and publishes analyses of production credits to assess gender parity in New York Off and Off-Off Broadway hiring decisions.

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